Tag: JSF

Richfaces migration diaries

Richfaces migration diaries

I always wanted to do this. I always wanted to write down a detailed description of the work I do. So, here’s the deal, my task was to migrate a web application running on RichFaces 3.X to RichFaces 4.X.

Simple and clean application running on JBoss 5. Just a couple of pages and quite many validations happening with JavaScript.

Composite Spacer Component for RichFaces 4

Composite Spacer Component for RichFaces 4

I have been working with richfaces 3.X.X and recently did a migration to richfaces 4.X.X. Many changes had to be done. Many tags got renamed, many properties suffered similar fate and some tags were retired.

was one among the many tags not supported in RF4. So, I though I would make a composite component to rectify the gap.